Capital Markets
Share portfolio
When selecting stocks on the market, we prioritise companies with the best prospects of growth, namely targeting the individual stocks best-placed for success in comparison to the industry competition. This is part of our long-term investment strategy to compensate for market volatility. Our portfolio also includes scope for our Franger fund manager to include stocks which are undervalued by the market and thus promise high dividend yields, while our stock investments are always underpinned by wide-ranging, cross-industry diversification, in order to help disperse risk.
Bond Portfolio
In the course of fine-tuning our investment strategy, we have compiled a comprehensive bond portfolio and targeted investments allow us to capitalise on opportunities for gains on international bond markets. Our main goal when investing is to ensure assets are preserved and minimise material risks – we see no better way to ensure long-term success. We invest in both corporate and government bonds and cover a range of currencies. We also provide innovative financing solutions for both young and established companies alike; both with and without direct equity participation.
Bond Portfolio
In the course of fine-tuning our investment strategy, we have compiled a comprehensive bond portfolio and targeted investments allow us to capitalise on opportunities for gains on international bond markets. Our main goal when investing is to ensure assets are preserved and minimise material risks – we see no better way to ensure long-term success. We invest in both corporate and government bonds and cover a range of currencies. We also provide innovative financing solutions for both young and established companies alike; both with and without direct equity participation.